1 thought on “What ceremony to give for the Chung Yeung Festival”

  1. Honey
    The friends who can keep healthy know that "medicine supplement is not as good as food supplement", so nutritional products are mainly practical. For example, honey, the elderly are prone to constipation, so honey is a good choice. But do not buy processing or packaging in the store. To contact the beekeeper directly, this will be relatively reduced. In addition, the honey is used to use warm water to take it for the elderly. The water temperature exceeds forty degrees to scal the honey, and too much will give the elderly a heavy digestion burden. A spoonful of a spoonful every day is enough.
    Duck oil
    Elderly people often can harden blood vessels. Duck oil can effectively soften blood vessels, so it can cook more for the elderly, but it is also oil, so don't eat more. According to the actual situation of the elderly, the reasonable diet structure is adjusted.
    The oats have high nutritional value. The content of 8 amino acids and vitamin E must be higher than white noodles and rice. Not only that, oats also have positive auxiliary curative effects to prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver, edema, constipation, etc., which can enhance the physical strength of the elderly and play a effect of prolonging life.
    It jade
    The heart and value
    buying favorite jade jewelry, which can be decorated and preserved, and the two are beautiful. It is a good choice to buy jade jewelry for parents to respect and filial piety.
    The jade jewelry is rising, and there is room for preservation to choose such gifts. If you want to give it to the elderly, it is better to choose Hetian Yu and Emerald. The sculpture shapes such as bamboo, koi, and peace buckles contain a high, peaceful and peaceful meaning, which is very suitable for the elderly. The reporter learned in another jewelry shop specializing in diamonds and emeralds that many people love emerald because it has better value preservation, and emerald jade bracelets and pendants are very popular with women.
    At the same time, consumers should be reminded that it is better to buy jewelry to buy jewelry with high reputation, which is more guaranteed. When buying, it is also necessary to recognize whether it is A goods, that is, the natural jade only goes through the physical processing process, so such jade has the collection value.

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